

McGill University · Jan 21-23, 2022

McHacks will be a virtual event this year.

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Dream. Develop. Deploy!

For 36 hours, over 500 of the boldest young minds across the globe come together for a jam-packed online weekend of beginner-to-pro workshops, networking, and epic hacking.

Whether you're writing your first line of code, playing around with APIs, or building the next blockchain, McHacks is the place for you. We'll see you this January at the 9th annual rendition of Canada's original collegiate hackathon!

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are hosting our hackathon virtually to ensure the saftey of all our participants.

Interested in sponsoring McHacks?

This winter, the best and brightest students from around the world will connect for 36 hours to shake the world of technology. We want you to be a part of this incredible experience, and we need your help to bring it to life!

Spend a weekend with McHacks and witness tomorrow’s leaders using your technologies to solve real problems from the ground up. We've got a vitual table with your name on it!

Any questions?

What is a hackathon?
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A hackathon is a social coding event where programmers, designers, and developers collaborate to solve a problem.
When is McHacks?
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This year, we'll be extending McHacks from 24 to 36 hours! It will start on Friday at 7pm and end on Sunday at 2:30pm Eastern time on the weekend of January 21-23.
How can I participate in McHacks?
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This year McHacks is taking place virtually and we’ll be using platforms like Discord and Zoom to connect hackers around the world. We’ll provide more details on how to participate as we get closer to McHacks, but right now all you need to do is apply.
Who can participate?
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Students from all backgrounds and skill levels are welcome at McHacks.
What skills do I need to participate?
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We welcome students with a variety of skill sets! While experience coding and programming is a plus, we offer beginner friendly workshops and mentorship to get you started. Teams will also need people with strong presentation skills and brilliant ideas.
Do I need a team?
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While you can work alone, McHacks is a social event and working with others is encouraged. If you don’t have one already, there are a few ways to find a team: Ask your friends and invite them to McHacks, ask around in the McHacks Discord server, or form a team at our team formation session at the beginning of McHacks.
How big can my team be?
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Teams can be up to four people.
How much does it cost?
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Nothing! Thanks to our amazing sponsors, McHacks is completely free for all our hackers.
Will there be prizes?
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Yes! Prizes will be announced closer to McHacks.
I have more questions!
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We have answers! Feel free to send us a DM on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or email us at if you have any questions or concerns.

Sabrina Chartrand

Vice President, Government Affairs

Qian Wang (Mentor, Judge)

Staff researcher

Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Alberta. Now, he is a Staff researcher in Huawei Canada, working on AI hardware, software and application development.

Maksim Bober (Mentor)

Platform Software Engineer

Charles Vaillancourt

SRE team lead

Passionate about technology, Charles has been with OVHcloud for most of his professional career. Focussing mostly on cloud technologies with a strong inclination towards automation he is currently an SRE team lead for public cloud products.

Yaniv Tordjman

Presenter of Link Apartments workshop.

Jason Wang

Investment Associate


Investment Associate

Investment Associate at Front Row Ventures - find startups in the Canadian ecosystem to invest in

Dev Jain (Recruiter, Judge)


CEO and Founder of RailVision Analytics


Louis-Philippe Huberdeau

Tech Lead


François Labrèche

Data Scientist


Christina Di Maio

Event Manager


Eric Simard

Dir. of Operations

Ivey Business School

Kristen Kovacs

MSc Recruitment Associate

Ivey Business School

Mentors And Judges

Mostafa Shabka (Judge)

Senior Manager


Amy Pollard (Judge)



Loreina Chew (Mentor)

Product Designer


Jin Lin (Mentor)



Michael Welsh (Mentor)

Principal engineer


Fred DeSerres (Mentor)

Backend engineer


Our Sponsors